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    Genetic Testing Eliminates Denial About Ourselves…

    By October 7, 2016 January 18th, 2018 Weight Loss - Diet Tips

    …or at least reduces it.

    I have a pretty big sweet tooth and used to eat a lot of candy. I mean a LOT of candy, like so much I’m honestly surprised I don’t have diabetes yet. For context, on my first birthday of my fiancée and I being together, she thoughtfully bought me a whole grocery bag full of my favorite candies. Easily the most candy I’ve ever had in my possession at once. While she innocently assumed that it would last me months, we were both surprised to see it gone within a couple weeks.


    The actual candy from my birthday…

    Why did I do this to myself? Part of it was that I was weak and had poor self-control when it comes to candy and the biggest reason for this was that I kept telling myself that I had a great metabolism and could eat all the candy I wanted without gaining weight. I kept telling myself that as a justification to my weak behavior and since I was never really that out of shape there was nothing telling me otherwise. So I kept drinking my own cool-aid.

    But then I was tested, for genetics not diabetes, and I could no longer lie to myself about what my body could handle. In fact, after taking GxSlim I learned that I have a high metabolism for all carbs EXCEPT for sugar. The only reason I wasn’t ballooning up from all the candy was because of how much I lifted weights. I know that because GxSlim also told me that I have enhanced anaerobic training response, which means that I will increase my metabolism and burn a lot of fat very effectively by lifting weights often. If I hadn’t been eating so much candy I would have been in a lot better shape, and on the flip side, if I hadn’t been working out some much I would have done some serious damage to my body.

    Today I barely eat any candy or sweets and my body has become a lot leaner and I feel better as a result, although I never turn down the free lollipops at the rapid lube I take my car to. I still think about buying sweets when I see them at the store or on the dessert menu at a restaurant, but thanks to the undeniable results of my genetics test and how great I feel without all the sugar in my system, the craving just isn’t there anymore.


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