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    How to Hack YOUR Body

    By August 29, 2016 January 18th, 2018 Understanding Genetics, Weight Loss - Diet Tips

    The term “hack” or “hacking” is somewhat misunderstood. Thanks to pop culture influence from movies and television shows, a lot of people seem to think that hacking is about breaking into a computer system to steal something or plant a virus. Really, when most people today refer to hacking, especially people in the tech industry, they are talking about using existing systems to get a desired result or to simply build something new using existing materials. There’s even this great thing called LIFE HACKS that are neat little short cuts to help you in your daily life. If you haven’t heard of them, I highly recommend you check some out. They could change your life.


    My favorite Life Hack for figuring out what clothes I can get rid of…

    In the same way that life hacks can help your life stay organized and efficient, we can now use genetics to hack our bodies to achieve the best health results. Every single person has a different genetic makeup, and depending on their genome, will react to exercise and nutrition differently. Some people can burn fat just by lifting weights, some by running everyday, and others by doing sprints a couple of times a week. Some people can eat a lot of carbs and not gain fat, others can’t. The key is to figure out what your genetic makeup is and follow a routine that works best for your body.

    Now the key is to figure out how YOUR unique body works. You can, of course, track your body composition for months, or years, while you use a trial and error process to evaluate different workouts and diets, OR you can purchase GxSlim from Genetic Direction. GxSlim uses a simple home test kit that requires a quick swab of the inside of your mouth to get all the genetic material the test needs. Order the kit online, follow the simple instructions, drop it back in the mail, and then a couple of weeks later you will get online access to your comprehensive, personalized report. The report does a great job of simplifying such a complex sounding concept, and GxSlim also includes “telehealth” sessions with a dietician/health coach who will explain exactly what everything means and tell you exactly what you should eat and how you should exercise in order for you body to get lean and healthy.

    GxSlim Sample Report Summary Page

    Sample of the report summary page

    GxSlim also includes other resources through the online portal, such as articles, videos, recipes, custom diets and exercise routines tailored for your unique genome. PLUS, if you are already a 23andMe customer, you will get a $130 discount on GxSlim.


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