Is the science there?
This is the single most asked question whenever I am speaking to potential investors, potential customers or business partners about GxSlim, our genetics-based weight loss program.
My answer is a definitive “yes”. But that yes also includes an important understanding of Genetic Direction’s approach and claims with our products. So let me share my insight and perspective.
Understanding your genetics as they relate to weight loss is not the only component to consider when undertaking a weight loss program, but it is a very important aspect that is now available to individuals. Could you use our GxSlim program – which would include a genetic test, test results interpretation, food, nutrient and exercise recommendations, and counseling – in and of itself and get results? Yes. Would it be more effective if you could also understand your current biochemistry including hormones, lipids, micronutrient blood levels, etc.? Yes. That is why we always counsel our patients to discuss their results with their physician. We hope to offer these additional services, as well, in the not-too-distant future.
Why I do I feel so confident that our program is effective by itself? Because our food recommendations are based upon the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) recommendation of macronutrient (fat/protein/carb) ratio, but with modifications made based upon the individual’s genetic test results. Overall our program has a sound basis, but it becomes more effective when tailored based upon the person’s genetics.
Our exercise recommendations are based upon the Department of Health and Human Service’s (DHHS) recommendation of the amounts and types of exercise needed for health benefits and weight loss, but with modifications made based upon the individual’s genetic test results. Again, the basis of the program is widely accepted and sound, but becomes more effective when tailored based upon the individual’s genetic profile. Our micronutrient recommendations are based upon your genetic tendencies and we always recommend a micronutrient blood test prior to starting a supplement program.
I also emphasize that our program is not complete without the telehealth consultation (or consulting with your healthcare professional) to walk you through the recommendations. Although the report is easy to read and provides great information and value without coaching, we believe the program is enhanced when you’re able to discuss the results with one of our telehealth professionals or your healthcare professional.
Each of our recommendations at the trait level is based upon the latest independent research that is reviewed and approved by our medical and genetic research teams. We welcome our clients who are interested to review this research. We are completely transparent and provide the links directly to these detailed independent studies on all of our reports.
Our program is a valuable tool that allows the individual to understand a more holistic view of variables that relate to their ability to lose weight. It is not a “silver bullet” that will magically make them lose weight. Unfortunately, that does not yet exist.
Will our interpretation of the latest genetic science be refined and therefore our recommendations and programs like GxSlim be more effective in the future? Absolutely. This is a rapidly evolving area of science and we are ideally positioned to adjust our programs based upon the latest science. All of these adjustments and refinements will be offered to our existing clients at no additional cost.