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    Can Knowing Your Genetics Change Your Behavior?

    By March 21, 2016 January 18th, 2018 Weight Loss - Diet Tips

    Can Knowing Your Genetics Change your Behavior?

    As the brave new world of genetics marches forward and provides us with more and more information about the building blocks of our physical body, does knowing the values of these building blocks change our actual behavior? 

    If you were told that your body has a lower than average predisposition to lose weight, how would you feel about that?  Would that encourage and motivate you to change your behavior?  Or would it discourage you from doing anything?  These are the types of questions that Genetic Direction contemplated when we developed our flagship product for weight loss, GxSlim.

    Our belief is that knowing this information is more valuable than not knowing. As long as the interpretation of the data and the genetic data itself is scientifically valid, then how can knowing this information not be valuable?

    If your genetics show that you are predisposed to it being more difficult for you to lose weight compared to others, does that mean you were doomed to be overweight? Of course not.   In addition to your genetic make-up, your environment and biomarker levels such as nutrients, lipids, hormones, etc., are critical factors in your ability to lose weight.

    Ultimately, if you know your genetic markers, your biomarkers and your environment, you can have a path laid out in front of you to lose weight.  It is completely up to you whether you change your behavior to do so or not.  We believe that being fully armed with knowledge and working with one of our Telehealth professionals (or your healthcare professional) will provide the motivation and accountability you need to reach your weight loss goals.

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